Dewenter Strategic Advisors
Straight from the source
William H. Schwab, Global Head of Real Estate, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority
"John distinguished himself by his inspiration and training of our investment professionals regarding physical real estate. He knows construction, development, design and how buildings operate. And, he helped ADIA in our understanding of them in creating our Development Manager role, driving the formation and management of our Real Assets Risk Committee, and embedding an informed real asset perspective in our investment teams and investment and risk management policies and procedures. Much of our investment success at ADIA came from the work of John and his team on the physical assets themselves."
Mark D. Lerner, Principal, Lerner Enterprises
"From master planning new town centers to the completion of construction documentation John added value to everything he was asked to work on. He demonstrated a high level of creativity, an impressive work ethic and commanded the consultants with great skill."
Peter Walichnowski, CEO Skylan Development (Parc 1 project, Seoul, South Korea)
"John demonstrated a high level of creativity and competence in delivering the required outputs in the agreed time frame. One of his key strengths is his ability to focus on the detail without losing sight of the big picture."
Bernardo Fort-Brescia, FAIA, Principal Architectonica
"In the context of similar projects we have designed and that have been built around the world, Mr. Dewenter’s performance has been exemplary and the quality of his work, most notably his attention to detail and hands-on approach during every phase of (the Pacific Plaza Towers) project has been a significant factor in the outstanding success of this project."