Dewenter Strategic Advisors
On demand international real estate asset expertise to look after your interests.
Assist with the review and assessment of reports, planning and design drawings and any other technical documents. Available to participate in workshops, peer reviews, conferences and other meetings.
To see how these services could be tailored to fit an investor, owner-developer or consultants please click here.
Diligence Stage
​Assist in the review of:
Due diligence reports
Asset condition reports
Partner or consultant capability statements
Technical issues in partner agreements such as a Development Management Agreement
Strategy Stage
Assist in the review of:
Market studies, other research reports
Business plans (real asset issues)
Asset strategy, (re)positioning report
Marketing, leasing/sales strategy
Project Brief
Implementation Stage
​Assist in the review of:
Consulting team structure, strategies and scope
Planning and design documents
Monthly reports
Issue specific reports
Other Advisory Services
In addition to the above we can make ourselves available to participate in workshops and other meetings as may be required.